Driving is the number one way to get to Glacier Country, whether it’s by bus or self driving you’re guaranteed to see some spectacular scenery along the way.

The closest airports are Hokitika, Queenstown and Christchurch

Franz Josef to Hokitika is 1 hours 43 minutes driving (135km)

Franz Josef to Queenstown is 4 hours 40 minutes driving (351km)

Franz Josef to Greymouth is 2 hours 12 minutes driving (173km)

Franz Josef to Christchurch is 5 hour driving (382km)

Franz Josef to Wanaka is 3 hours 38 minutes driving (285km)

Fox Glacier to Wanaka is 3 hours 14 minutes driving (262km)

Fox Glacier to Franz Josef Glacier is 24 minutes driving (24km)

Use this distance calculator to get an approximate travel time and distance between two points in New Zealand.