North of the Franz Josef Township sits the coastal settlement of Ōkārito and the Ōkārito Lagoon. The lagoon is home to more than 76 species of native birds including the kōtuku/white heron and royal spoonbills.

20 min - 3 hr 30 min 1 km - 9.8 km return via same track Easiest: Easy access short walk / Easy: Walking track

Choose from three walks of varying lengths, from the short, easy access Ōkārito Wetland Walk, to the longer Three Mile Pack Track.

 Ōkārito Wetland Walk

Time: 20 min return
Distance: 1 km

From the car park by the Ōkārito School House, the track winds though bush before crossing the estuary on a curving boardwalk.

The track then climbs gently to a viewpoint overlooking the estuary.

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